Hey guys, welcome to my blog! I'm really new to all of this, so here goes. You may or may not know that I'm an Indie-published author. My first novel, Surrogate, a paranormal romance, was released in February, 2017.
After gaining quite a few followers on Facebook - mostly women from my hometown of Eden, N.C., Surrogate has become pretty popular locally, selling over 200 copies in only 2 months. After being invited to a neighboring town's local library for their annual Author's Night, the evening ended in a request for my book to be entered into circulation at that very library. Afterward my hometown library and one in another neighboring town has Surrogate on their shelf as well. Not too bad for a country girl! 😉
I've also been presented with the honor of being voted Second Place in Reader's Choice Best Author of Rockingham County 2017, in a poll by the newspaper in the largest city next to mine. Second Place might not sound like much to some, but coming just four months after becoming published, it is quite astounding to me!
Take care, ya'll...I'll be back with more to share - and again, please bear with me, as this is all so new to me. 😃
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