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Learning to create book covers - so much fun!!

Hey guys! This won't be a tutorial post, but I am going to do one soon on how to create your own book covers using Microsoft Word. It's amazing what you can do with one simple word processing program! What I do want to share with you is what a difference the right book cover can make. When I was just starting out, I came across a website called, which has tons of templates that you can add and remove layers to create the look that you want. At just $2.99 a download, it is a very affordable way to make a simple and nice-looking book cover, like my first one for Surrogate: The images went along well with the theme for my book, so I just deleted the text that was already there, added my own, and voila! It is a very beautiful design, and I have had many compliments on it. Everything was groovy...until I entered it into a book cover contest online. When I got the notice via Mention (an app that lets you know when someone uses your name online), that m...

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